advantages you get from
ordering at green tech
Calculate your Savings
With our savings calculator, you can make a right decision on installation of solar panels manufactured by Green Tech.
Installation: How it Works?
Learn more about all aspects of the solar panel installation process from our experts and get answers to questions you have.
Our Warranty Policy
Our panels and other renewable energy products come with a warranty that protects you against any possible failures of the product.
Additional Power for your needs
Solar panels are perfect if you are looking for a reliable source of additional power and energy for your home or office.
reliable energy source
Solar energy is one of the most reliable energy sources available today. You can also store extra energy for future consumption.
24/7 customer support
Our company offers free 24/7 support to all our clients who have any questions or issues with the products and services of Green Tech.
Why GreenTech?
After years of experience and more than 500, 000 people powered with the help of our solar panels, we think the choice is really obvious here!
Our customers enjoy the sunny side
of their energy consumption bill.
Markus Breitbart
Freelance Photographer
I have a pretty big house that consumes a sizable amount of energy each month. With the help of these solar panels, I’ve been able to make great cuts to my monthly bills!
Thomas Johnson
CEO at BigInfoDev
Installing a solar panel atop of our office building was a great decision! We’ve managed to cover all our office needs (which houses 50 computers).
Jane Nicholson
Web Designer
Everyone I dealt with at the Green Tech company, from a salesperson and office staff to the installation crew has been incredibly helpful and enthusiastic.
We're dedicated to providing free support
Just after we'll put the solar panels up on your roof, you can count on our free customer support!

HQ Office (Boston, MA, USA)
8949 Kenamar Drive, Suite 101
Boston, MA 92121
- Phone:
- 555-376-7872
- Fax:
- 555-376-7873

Toronto Office
2000 Finch Avenue West
Toronto, Ontario M3J 2V5
- Phone:
- 555-376-7872
- Fax:
- 555-376-7873